International Academy of Ecology
and Life Protection Sciences,
with the Department
of Public Information of the United Nations and ECOSOC
Our goal is safety for all! Under the auspices of the UN to sustainable development and security!


  IAELPS (Academy) is a public union of specialists and scientific and technical public organizations working in the field of safety, ecology and environmental protection.
  The constituent congress on the creation of the Academy took place on 05.06.1993. The founders of the Academy are the Leningrad Union of Specialists in Safety of Human Activities and the Belarusian Association for Emergency Situations «Lava».
  The charter of the Academy was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in February 1994 (Registration Certificate No. 2114).
  As a legal entity, the Academy has a current account, round stamp, letterhead, stamps, emblem, flag, anthem.
  The current activities of the Academy are carried out in accordance with the Regulations.
  In 2000, the Academy became an associate member of the United Nations Department of Public Information. Since 2003, the Academy has received consultative status in the UN Economic and Social Council.
  The goal of creating the Academy is to bring together scientists and engineers to conduct research and development, protect human health and life from natural, technological, environmental and other dangers, ensure the safety of human life and improve the environment.
  Within the framework of the MANEB, structural divisions are being created: departments, scientific sections, problem councils.
  The work of the Academy is led by the Bureau, headed by the President.
  The Academy operates the Security publishing house, whose printed organ is «Vestnik of IAELPS».
  The Academy has established awards, as well as the title of «Professor of IAELPS».
  There are two types of membership in the Academy: collective and individual. The following ranks are provided for individual members: Master, Corresponding Member, Full Member (Academician), assigned on a competitive basis. Members of the Academy who have passed the competition pay the entry fee and annual membership fees.
  MANEB is a voluntary organization that brings together specialists who work in various areas of security on a voluntary basis. The activities of the members of MANEB are aimed at protecting people from natural, tecnogenic and social hazards. The goal of MANEB, first of all, is safety for everybody.
  MANEB was established in 1993 in St. Petersburg, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (registration certificate No. 2114, February 1994). In 2000, MANEB became an associated member of the Department of Public Information of the United Nations. Since 2003, the MANEB has been represented in the UN Economic and Social Council - ECOSOC.
  Any citizen of the world who recognizes the UN and the Charter of the MANEB can be a member of the MANEB.
  There are two types of membership in MANEB - individual and collective. MANEB members pay entrance and annual membership fees.
  Three types of academic titles have been established at MANEB: master, corresponding member and full member (academician).
  The governing body of the MANEB is the Presidium headed by the President. In the regions of Russia and in foreign countries, territorial divisions of the MANEB are being created, now there are more than 100 of them.
  Scientific work is carried out in several directions: labor protection, prevention and liquidation of fires and emergency situations, prevention of diseases, environmental protection, etc.
  MANEB organizes the defense of candidate and doctoral theses on a public basis. Scientific papers are published in the "Bulletin of MANEB" and other printed editions of MANEB (publishing house “Security”).
  Members of MANEB for achievements in scientific activities are awarded with established orders, medals and insignia.
  In 2018, the MANEB held an anniversary conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of its activities.

Project «Healthy Generation»

Quick reference «MANEB»

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